Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Okay, let's do this.

There are a lot of things that I want to blog about, most of which are pretty common to my thoughts, so it's strange that I've decided to start with my name, because I don't ever really think about my name...

I like my name. Always have, always will. I think it's a good, strong name, even if the lastname Barker is a little weird and awkward on the tongue. My name is certainly better than, say, Phillip Larry Barker, or Benjamin Stewart Barker! ;) But I think that Ammon Paul Barker, Amaleah Melissa Barker and Ana Maria Barker have me beat. Matthew Bart Barker is probably a tie, which is almost always the case when Matt and I are competing. Well, unless it's fuseball. Then I just win overall. Making Matt cuss. A lot. Loudly. :)

Jacob Scott Barker.

See? A good, strong name, right? Jacob is from the Bible Jacob, whose name was changed to Israel, who had 12 sons that became the 12 Tribes of Israel. Jacob is also from the Book of Mormon, Jacob being the little brother of Nephi. Jacob became the prophet after Nephi died and was a freakin' stud! He also ended his writtings with the word Adieu, which is, to my knowledge, the only french word in the Book of Mormon. Kind of odd, but since I speak french I think it's appropriate, and a funny coincidence. I don't really know which one my parents had in mind to name me after, so I claim both.
On a side note, I will name my first son Joseph. Sorry, Future Wife, should you exist, you don't have a say on this one. But you can name the rest, if you'd like. I will be naming him Joseph, first and foremost, for my Grandpa, Joseph Whittaker. He has always been my hero. Also, Israel had a son named Joseph, so it seems appropriate. And C, he will be named for Joseph Smith, the Prophet. Another hero, who I am eternally grateful for.
My whole life I have always gone by Jake, but over the past couple years that has been changing. More and more, people are calling me Jacob. And when asked, I find myself, more often than not, telling people that my name is Jacob, and even that I prefer to be called Jacob. I really don't know why that is. I guess it sounds more grown up in my mind, for some reason. But that doesn't seem to fit, because I'm certainly in no hurry to grow up anymore than I am... More professional, maybe? Hmm... now that I think about it I think it started with Her. Her called me that instead of Jacob. Strange that I like going by that if that is the appropriate assosiation that influenced my mind on the matter, because Her isn't exactly something I look back on with fondness. More on Her later; that will be its own post. In any case, I'm going by Jacob these days.

As for Scott; I really like the name, but all I know about where I got it from is that my dad used to work in the County Commission with some dude named Scott that my dad really respected. I remember meeting Scott once in our driveway when I lived at 1628 Gaylowood Cir., in Taylorsville, when I was about 7-8 yrs old. So yeah, that's Scott.

Barker, I have heard rumor, wouldn't have actually been my last name, save that one of my great, great, great, great (I don't know how many greats to put in here) grandfathers was a poligimist, wanted by the law for practicing. He changed his name from Humphries to Barker to avoid arrest. Why Barker? Who knows...

So yeah, that's my name. Aren't you so glad you know? Boy, I know I am!


- Jacob Scott Barker


  1. So wait, you have to actually go back and change the spell check once you've selected what you were trying to say? I clicked on them and the words changed and turned green, but they are still spelled wrong... *sigh* Give me a break, I'm still figuring this blog crap out.

  2. Actually the Barker name didn't have anything to do with polygamy. I've heard two stories about it and I don't know which is true.

    1. An ancestor with the last name of Humphries ended up in debtor's prison. When he got out he took his mother's maiden name, Barker.

    2. An ancestor was the son of a couple that wasn't married. The father was Humphries and the mother Barker. He took the name Barker.

  3. Hmm... I like my story better ;) But yours is more believable.

  4. I have always heard the same one as Jake told. It is the one that Marshall tells.
    -That Barker was one of the wives names. Sounds like a call to Grandpa is in order.

  5. I've asked grandma about this a couple of times because I always forget which of two stories is the correct on. ..just as I've forgotten again..

    I have always heard the polygamy story and the debtors prison story. I've never heard the unwed parents story so we can probably through that one away.

    Now that I think about it. It seems like grandma told me that neither story is correct. We need to get to the bottom of this.

    And just for the record, I never swear.
    And Jacob Scott Barker is a stronger name than my, from my perspective anyway. I don't think it gets much stronger than Jacob Scott. That's just solid. It's certainly stronger than Franco...

  6. Welcome, welcome to the blogging world my friend! Glad to see that I can semi-keep up with you a bit better. :)

  7. what you really need to do is tell the story of how you got your camp name :)

  8. Ha! The camp name!

    I have NEVER heard the polygamy angle on the Barker name. I think we can dismiss that. Debtor's prison is the one I heard for years and years, and then a few years ago I heard the unwed mother version. Maybe they're one in the same.

  9. Matt, I appreciate your kind words. Right up until the end, at least... Then again, I guess you don't really know the Franco side of me all that well, do you. If you come on a ride along with me sometime then you will have a chance to get to know him :)
    As for other nick names, Mighty MAX for example, I have thought about doing a Post on those. We'll have to see. Sorry, Princess Rave, I'm afraid it's not at the top of my Posting Priority List.

  10. My folks were going to call me Haycee before they came to their senses.
    Jacob is a good name, I'd keep it if I were you.
    And tell Matt to stop swearing!
