Tuesday, January 12, 2010

So there I was, right... NAKED!

I wasn't really naked. Sorry. That's just the way I used to start all my stories to see how quiet a room would get if I started them that way. It's a great attention grabber, even in a loud room! People love the word "naked" for some reason, even when it's talking about someone as unsightly to see naked as myself. Another good attention grabber, commonly used by the first girl I ever said the words "I love you" to, was "So there I was, right... Shaving my dad's back!"

For real though, now I'm blogging. Weird. Never thought I would, but I hear it's therapeutic. Not that I really need therapy. But a good place to vent, or share my point of view on life, is appealing.

Just to let you know how my mind works, I kind of have the various aspects of my life fragmented in my brain. For example, if I'm pissed off about one thing then I may go off on my feelings on that subject and make it sound like it's all-consuming and central to my existence at that time, but really it's not. And then in the next breathe talk about something else that I'm thrilled about and be ready to forget whatever was pissing me off. At least until I start thinking about that which pissed me off, again... I guess what I'm trying to say is that you may see more that one post in the same day, from time to time, about completely different things, and with completely different vibes. I will likely have strong feelings about both topics, if I thought they were worth posting about, but it doesn't mean that they are dominating my life at the moment. I feel like I have a tight hold on my long-term perspective, so it's rare that something day-to-day will effect my attitude, decisions or opinions. More likely than not it's just effected my emotions, which I'll be honest and say that I don't have all that tight a hold on... :)

Anyway, I'm looking forward to getting it all out! And I look forward to your mocking comments! ;D



Also, I love that there is a spell check on this thing. I can read anything, but spelling kills me!


  1. It sounds like your driven by the wind and tossed. Welcome to the human mind! Muahaahahahahaa

  2. Welcome to the addictive world of blogging my friend!

  3. So there I was doing naked cartwheels....
    Try starting a story that way, and stop imagining me doing naked cartwheels...sicko!
